


Boots looking to provide sustainable brand offerings

Boots, the UK’s leading health and beauty retailer, launched a program to enhance sustainability in retail, starting with a concept store in London’s Covent Garden.

The initiative explored customer responses to eco-friendly practices, such as replacing plastic carrier bags with brown paper bags and expanding sustainable brand offerings. They also wanted to explore options on how they could provide free drinking water to the public.


Our Drinking Water Solution

A WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) approved electronic bottle filler which has been rigorously tested and guaranteed to be fully compliant with all health and safety requirements.

Wall-fitted meaning easy to look after the unit and very little space required
Ambient and chilled water available catering to a wide number of users
A sensor operation to make the unit easy to use for all users whilst ensuring minimal energy is consumed and no water is wasted
A bottle saving counter display to show staff and customers how many plastics bottles are saved from landfill


The Covent Garden installation was completed on time and within budget, ensuring the bottle filler was fully operational ahead of the store’s grand opening. The project was an immediate success with customers, prompting Boots to trial the concept in additional stores. Since then, two more branches—Meadowhall in Sheffield and Dawson Street in Dublin—have adopted the ‘store of the future’ model.

For each location, Culligan identified optimal sites for water dispensers and managed equipment procurement and installation. Culligan continues to provide support and aftersales care for the three existing bottle fillers and is in discussions about further installations as new ‘store of the future’ branches are launched.

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